
About the JPR Internship Program

The Department of Journalism & Public Relations’ internship program integrates academic learning with professional development through on-the-job experience. All journalism and public relations majors are required to complete one internship of at least 100 hours. Students must be registered concurrently in the Journalism 498 Internship class to receive academic credit. In the class, students participate in seminars and activities that enhance their professional development as well as engage in academic reflections about their internships. Of note, students may enroll in Journalism 498 twice. 

Todd Henneman

Todd Henneman
JPR Internship Instructor

Students find and secure their own internships, a process that typically includes searching for a position as well as preparing and submitting résumés and cover letters. The department maintains a directory of internship openings on the JPR website. Students also may search for internships through the CSULB Career Development Center’s CareerLINK database as well as through more general job-search resources such as Indeed, JournalismJobs and LinkedIn. Many professional associations also post internships. All for-credit internships must be approved by the Journalism 498 instructor.

Getting started

  • Enroll in JOUR 498.
  • Secure an internship clearly connected to your major.
  • Submit it for approval by your JOUR 498 instructor.
  • Complete at least 100 hours of internship work.

Important reminders

  • All JPR majors must complete at least one internship.
  • Credit cannot be issued retroactively.

Getting help


Internship Proposal (Rev 07-23)

JOUR 498 Learning Contract

          Preview the Learning Contract

          Complete the Learning Contract

JOUR 498 50 hour Site Supervisor Evaluation (Rev 08-2023)

JOUR 498 100 hour Site Supervisor Evaluation (Rev 08-2023)