Nietzsche Reading Group
The Nietzsche Reading Group (NRG) is open to any student interested in the work and thought of Friedrich Nietzsche, as well as secondary literature within Nietzsche studies.
**Note the change of time and location: while the NRG shall meet monthly again this FA24 term, meetings will instead be held from 8:00pm–9:00pm at CaliTea (4549 Pacific Coast Highway) near the Long Beach traffic circle. The group is organized by Joe Gordon; please e-mail him if you have any questions about participation or would like further details.
Autumn 2024
November 13th @ 8:00pm at CaliTea
‘Nietzsche, Genealogy, History‘, by Michel Foucault
Translation suggestions: n/a
October 23rd @ 8:00pm 8:45pm at CaliTea
Dawn (Introduction)
Translation suggestions: Brittain Smith or R. J. Hollingdale
September 11th @ 8:00pm at CaliTea
Idylls from Messina
Translation suggestions: Adrian del Caro
Spring 2024
May 1st @ 5:30pm in MHB–915
The Gay Science (Books IV & V)
Translation suggestions: Adrian del Caro (preferred) or Walter Kaufmann
April 10th @ 5:30pm in MHB–915
The Gay Science (Books I, II, & III)
Translation suggestions: Adrian del Caro (preferred) or Walter Kaufmann
March 6th @ 5:30pm in MHB–915
Dawn (Books IV & V)
Translation suggestions: Brittain Smith or R. J. Hollingdale
February 7th @ 5:30pm in MHB–915
Dawn (Books I, II, & III)
Translation suggestions: Brittain Smith or R. J. Hollingdale
Autumn 2023
December 7th @ 5:00pm in MHB–915
Thus Spoke Zarathustra (Parts 3–4)
Translation suggestions: Adrian del Caro (preferred) or Walter Kaufmann
November 2nd @ 5:00pm in MHB–915
Thus Spoke Zarathustra (Parts 1–2)
Translation suggestions: Adrian del Caro (preferred) or Walter Kaufmann
October 5th @ 5:00pm in MHB–915
‘The Dionysiac worldview‘
Translation suggestion: Geuss & Speirs
September 7th @ 5:00pm in MHB–915
The Birth of Tragedy
Translation suggestions: Geuss & Speirs or Walter Kaufmann
Summer 2023
July 26th @ 5:30pm in MHB–915
Reading: Beyond Good and Evil (rest of book)
Translation suggestions: Adrian del Caro (preferred) or Walter Kaufmann
June 28th @ 5:30pm in MHB–915
Reading: Beyond Good and Evil (Preface, Parts 1–2)
Translation suggestions: Adrian del Caro (preferred) or Walter Kaufmann