Master of Arts Political Science Alumni
Featured MA Alumni Profiles
Professional and academic activities of recent MA alumni
Ashley Smith (MA 2020) is a policy analyst at the Minaret Foundation in Houston, Texas.
Brian Huang (MA 2019) is a Ph.D. student in political science at the University of Washington in Seattle. He studies the polices of climate change and environmental political theory. While at CSULB, Brian presented papers at the university graduate student symposium and at the Western Political Science Association conference. He is the 2019 recipient of the departmental Outstanding Graduate Student Award and the College of Liberal Arts Dean’s List award. He completed the teaching practicum at El Camino College and is especially proud of his work as a Graduate Assistant and election to statewide leadership in the academic student employees union.
Juan Campos (MA 2018) is a Ph.D. student in political science at the University of California, Berkeley. He is generally interested in studying security institutions, political violence, and corruption in Latin America. Juan holds an M.A. in political science from California State University, Long Beach and a B.A. in government and international politics from George Mason University. While studying at CSULB, Juan has earned multiple awards including the CSULB Graduate Research Fellowship, the California State University Sally Casanova Pre-Doctoral Scholarship, and the Outstanding Graduate Student Award. He is also a recipient of the 2019-20 APSA Minority Fellowship Program.
Tyler Kae (MA 2018) is student-teaching at a high school, and teaches classes on government and world history. He is currently finishing up the single-subject credential program at CSUDH.
Steven Gonzales (MA 2017) is teaching Political Science courses at Compton College and El Camino College. He also works on Dr. Mary Caputi’s journal, Politics & Gender, as an editorial assistant.
Joshua Casper (MA 2016) is an Associate Professor of Political Science at El Camino College. In Spring 2023, he mentored fellow POSC MA alumna Aesha Mahmoud (MA 2024) in the “college teaching practicum.” He looks forward to mentoring other POSC MA during their “college teaching practicums” in the coming semesters.
Tom Klein (MA 2016) is as a tenure-track faculty member in the Political Science department at Pierce College.
Sabrina Van der Linden Gonzalez (MA 2016) started the law program at the University of California, Irvine in fall 2016.
Andrew Gomez (MA 2016) works for the United Food & Commercial Workers’ Union Trust Fund, in the accounting department.
Amanda Mendoza (MA 2016) is the Climate Campaign and Research Coordinator at Private Equity Stakeholder Project, a nonprofit advocacy organization that seeks to identify, engage, and connect stakeholders affected by the private equity industry.
Edward Gonzalez (MA 2015) was accepted to the Political Science and International Relations (POIR) PhD program at the University of Southern California, and will begin his studies Fall 2017. His main areas of concentration are Comparative Politics, International Security, and Foreign Policy.
Grace Malinao (MA 2015) is currently teaching American Government at Long Beach City College and Irvine Valley College.
Berny Lazareno (MA 2014) is a PhD student in the Politics Department at U.C. Santa Cruz. He is part of an international research project funded through the US Dept. of Defense’s Minerva Research Initiative that investigates the factors that contribute to individuals becoming or not becoming terrorists. As part of this project, he has coauthored a chapter for an edited forthcoming book. In February, he and his co-authors presented that chapter, entitled “Approving of but Not Choosing Violence: Paths of Nonviolent Radicals,” at the Naval Post Graduate School’s Department of National Security Affairs. The chapter has also been accepted for presentation at the 2016 Annual Meeting of the American Political Science Association in Philadelphia.
Alysse Florez (MA 2014) is working as a Litigation Assistant at a law firm in Century City.
Matthew Highland (MA 2014) recently was hired to be the Communications Director for the State of Iowa’s Medicaid program. Highland states, “Though I had an extensive communications background and experience, I know it was my Master’s degree from Cal State Long Beach that pushed me past the other candidates.”
Sam Juliano (MA 2014) is in the teaching credential program at CSU Fullerton, and is also substitute teaching in Orange County and coaching.
Dilyana Valeva (MA 2014) works as a Managed Transportation Account Executive at the Chicago-based company Echo Global Logistics. She also teaches introductory Political Science classes at Ashford University on the weekends.
Ryan Ashlock (MA 2013) is a financial associate for a private investment company in the Dallas/Fort Worth area of Texas.
Othman (Ozzie) Ramadan (MA 2013) teaches 9th grade English at a local high school.
Donnie Bessom (MA 2012) is an adjunct professor of political science at Long Beach City College, where he teaches American Government. He is also involved in environmental curriculum development.
Vahid Niayesh (MA 2011) is a Ph.D. candidate in the Department of Political Science, University of California, Irvine, and a research affiliate with the Center for the Study of Democracy at UCI.
Brittany Conrad (MA 2011) teaches at Long Beach City College and Pasadena City College, and is the Events Coordinator for Barks of Love Animal Rescue.
Jacob Lenerville (MA 2011) is a social science teacher, and an instructor at Barstow Community College. He is also Adjunct Professor of History/Political Science at Vanguard University of Southern California.
Amy Fernandez (MA 2010) is earning her J.D. this semester at California Western School of Law, and will graduate on the Dean’s List. For her work as a legal intern for the California Innocence Project, Fernandez received the Joe Walsh Award for outstanding performance.
Veronika Zubo (MA 2010) has been working as a research and communications associate in Washington, DC at a media and messaging company dedicated to state and local politics.
Stephanie Crahen (MA 2009) teaches English in Italy for the Cambridge Centre of English. In early 2016, she met with her former mentor, Dr. Mary Caputi, while Dr. Caputi was on leave in Florence.
Dana Randazzo (MA 2009) has been an Executive Assistant for a CA Congressman, as is currently working in public affairs at the UCLA Medical Center.
Katie Kruger (MA 2008) After graduating from our program, Kruger studied American politics and public law in the Government and Politics Department of the University of Maryland. Kruger then worked as a Data Analyst with the Federal Judicial Center, and has recently accepted an offer to contract with the Federal Aviation Administration as a Senior Analyst.
Jacob Larsen (MA 2008) is working as an associate employment law attorney for Perona, Langer, Beck, Serbin, Mendoza and Harrison, APC in Long Beach, CA.
Allison Evans (MA 2006) received her PhD in political science from the University of Pennsylvania in 2014. Currently, she is an Assistant Professor of Political Science at Western New Mexico University (WNMU). In 2015, she was named WMNU’s “Professor of the Year” (as determined by students’ votes), and in 2016 she was nominated for WNMU’s “Excellence in Teaching Award” (which is awarded by a faculty committee). She is currently doing fieldwork for her book, Protest in the Provinces: Coming to Grips with Capitalism in Russia’s Company Towns.
Laurie Houske (MA 2006) teaches political science at El Camino Community College. In spring 2016, she mentored current POSC MA student Joshua Casper in a “college teaching practicum.”
Tracey Somerville (MA 2005) taught liberal studies courses at CSULB, and political science courses at several community colleges in Southern California until 2012. She is now working in the private sector doing business development for an international professional services firm.
Ali Taghavi (MA 1997) is the Director of Communications at Pepperdine University. He also has worked in public relations for the University of California and the UCLA Health System.
We welcome news from our MA alumni! Please email and let us know how you are doing.