Jalyn Wang
Jalyn Wang (2003)
1 What year did you participate and who was your teammate?
Graciela Almada-Talvera
2 If you have graduated and moved on, what do you do now and how did moot court help you for your future?
I am a Deputy District Attorney for the County of San Diego. Moot Court confirmed my desire to pursue a degree in law (because I loved it). It also introduced me to skills that were very useful in law school and skills useful in working as a D.A. (i.e. how to use legal research databases, how to research/read cases, oral advocacy skills, legal writing skills). It was also definitely a good resume builder for getting into law school, getting onto Moot Court in law school, and getting a job after law school graduation.
3 What is your fondest memory about moot court?
Going to Nationals in Texas and arguing before real judges. Winning a “best brief” award at Nationals was also a great feeling.
4 What was the best thing about moot court?
Invaluable learning experience. Makes you more prepared for law school and gives practical training and feedback that you won’t get from any lecture//book.
5 What was the worst thing about moot court?
HUGE time commitment. A lot of work.
6 What do you miss about moot court?
Standing up and arguing in front of peers and receiving feedback. Students should value the opportunity to practice like that in a comfortable setting. Now when I get up and argue it is REAL in front of a judge or jury and if I mess up I’m in big trouble!
7 What tournaments did you compete in and what were they like?
At CSULB I participated in the NMCA Regional and National Competition, and in law school I participated in National Moot Court.
8 What advice would you give future mooters?
Take it seriously. Participate. Put in the time. Learn from every practice and piece of feedback you receive.
9 Why should someone consider moot court?
If thinking about going to law school, should definitely do it because will have a huge advantage over others who did not participate. If you do, you will already be familiar with skills that you will need to succeed in law school and as a lawyer.