Ethics Reading Party Kicks Off!


Interested in normative ethics, metaethics, moral psychology, or related topics? Feel free to join the SU22 ethics reading party.  The […]

Ethics Reading Group


Interested in normative ethics, metaethics, moral psychology, or related topics? Feel free to join the SU22 ethics reading party.  The […]

Ethics Reading Group


The third meeting of the SU22 ethics reading party will occur at 5:30pm this Sunday June 5th. This week the […]

The ethics rdgrp meets again!


The fifth meeting of the SU22 ethics reading party will occur at 5:30pm this Sunday June 19th via Zoom. Tentatively, […]

Ethics Reading Party


After a short breather, the SU22 ethics reading party will be hitting its stride this weekend (5:30pm 03 July on Zoom) […]