CLA Advising

Who We Advise

The College of Liberal Arts Advising Center (ATLAS) is the primary advising resource for the following majors and student populations:

  • All First-Time, First-Years (Freshmen) in any CLA Department
  • Pre-Majors in any CLA Department (ex: Pre-American Studies)
  • Any CLA student referred to ATLAS
  • Majors Whose Primary Advisor is ATLAS

*Continuing and transfer students majoring in CLA, we encourage you to see your primary advisor for assistance.

Advising Services

The services listed below are intended for continuing students who have already completed orientation and registration. Click on the icon that best applies for assistance and information:

Prospective Students

ATLAS only sees currently enrolled students due to personnel and fiscal restraints. Visit our Prospective Students page for information regarding admissions and transferring to CSULB.

Advising Resources

Visit the Registration Information & Resources page for tools and resources to plan your schedule and enroll in your classes.

Left CSULB and planning to return?

For information about completing your degree in the College of Liberal Arts, contact ATLAS by filling out this form.