- When can I see an advisor?
- How do I make an appointment with an ATLAS advisor?
- How can I contact ATLAS if none of the Drop-In hours or appointment times work for me?
- As an incoming student, can an ATLAS advisor help me with my first semester schedule?
- When should I use my Degree Planner versus my Academic Requirements Report (ARR)?
- How do I declare or change my major, minor, or certificate?
- Where can I see the requirements for my major?
- Where can I see how many units I have completed and have left to complete?
Course Credit
- What does it mean to take a class Credit/No Credit?
- What does it mean to repeat a course?
- How do I know if the class I’m taking at a Community College will transfer over to CSULB?
- What do my grade symbols mean? (e.g. A, B, C, D, F, I, WE, WU, etc.)