Registration Information & Resources

Use the advising resources below to help you register for classes:

Advising Resources
Drop-in Advising Hours

Attend Drop-in Advising during the listed hours*:

  • Monday, 2/3:
    10 - 11:30am, 1:30-4pm (In-Person & Virtual)
  • Tuesday, 2/4:
    9 - 11:30am, 1:30-4pm (In-Person & Virtual)
  • Wednesday, 2/5:
    9 - 11:30am, 1:30-4pm (In-Person & Virtual)
  • Thursday, 2/6:
    9 - 11:30am, 1:30-4pm (In-Person & Virtual)
  • Friday, 2/7:
    9 - 11:30am, 1:30-3:30pm (Virtual Only)

Please alert the Front Desk if you need to step away. If you are not present when it’s your turn, you’ll need to sign back into the queue when you return.

*Drop-in Advising sign-ins may close early in the event that we reach capacity