Virtual Campus Communication Tips

At CSU Long Beach, our OneBeach university spirit is essential during these challenging times in our world. We know we can count on you to help us maintain a kind, inclusive, and collaborative campus community.

Here are a few ways we can all work better together:

When Forming your Questions

Search for your own answer. Check emails received or search the university website:
  • Double-check/re-read any emails you received from the university.
  • Your answer or directions on how to obtain an answer are likely there.
  • This process will be much faster than waiting for another email response.
  • Do a campus website search or ask Google to find the CSULB answer.
Summarize and consolidate. Avoid multiple asks.
  • Multiple requests can cause confusion and may delay a timely response.
  • Collect your thoughts/questions and submit them in one email to one person NOT multiple places.
  • Our faculty and staff are serving numerous students and may take some time to get back to you.

When Communicating with Staff & Faculty

Always double-check grammar, language, and tone.
  • Check for spelling mistakes and random punctuation which may confuse your message.
  • Use respectful greetings/signatures, complete sentences, and “please” and “thank you” as appropriate.
  • Slang terms, texting abbreviations, and words in all caps are not recommended.
Allow time for a response.
  • Even with the fastest Wi-Fi, electronic communication takes time: time to read and time to respond.
  • Please be patient and allow everyone the appropriate time they need to answer your questions.

And Don’t Forget!

Check your CSULB student email regularly.
  • Now more than ever, important information about your academic success is sent to you every day.
  • Keep up the good work and don’t get left behind!
We are here for you!
  • Your written words are read by real people, and everyone deserves respectful communication.
  • Before you press "send" or "submit," ask yourself, "How would I feel if someone else had written this to me?"