Declaring & Changing Your Major or Minor

Interested in pursuing a Major or Minor in the College of Liberal Arts?

To declare a Major or Minor in CLA, you’ll need to meet the following:

Criteria to declare a CLA Major:

Criteria to declare a CLA Minor:

  • Declared in Major (not a Pre-Major)
  • Minimum 2.5 in all GPAs (Overall, CSULB, and Major)
  • Some minors require completion of additional coursework prior to declaring – see Minor Checklist for details
  • Ability to complete minor within expected graduation term and the Timely Graduation Policy

Click on an icon below to request a CLA major or minor:

For CLA Major and Minor Checklists, click here.

For all other major and minor requests, contact the department offering the degree option for assistance. A full list of all CSULB degree options is located in the University Catalog.

Major Declaration & Holds

Major Specific Requirements

Due to the high demand for our degree programs, each department has set its own required courses, GPA requirements, and admission processes.

You are in a “pre-major” until the prerequisites for your major are complete. For more information, visit the University’s official website regarding major-specific requirements.

Major Declaration Hold

Students who have completed a total of 60 units must be declared in a major to register for the next term. If you have a hold on your account for Major Declaration, submit an online inquiry via our General Questions form for ATLAS advisor assistance.


College of Liberal Arts majors range between 33 - 84 units. You will need to speak with an advisor if you’d like to request a CLA Major. Sign into Drop-in Advising Hours to discuss your request with an ATLAS advisor. If you are unable to sign into Drop-ins, please call our office at 562-985-7804.

Students wishing to change into a major not advised by ATLAS should contact the department offering the major to declare. If approved, the department will submit your declaration of major online with Enrollment Services, and you will receive an email from Enrollment Services once the major is declared.


College of Liberal Arts minors range between 15 - 28 units and consist of specific requirements in a particular field of study. Minors are awarded as part of a baccalaureate degree and must be completed prior to graduation. Minors are reflected on your transcripts, not your diploma.

Submit an online Minor Request to request a minor in one of the departments listed above. For all other minors, contact the department offering the minor for assistance.

Double Majors

If approved, a double major is awarded as part of a baccalaureate degree and must be completed prior to graduation. One diploma is issued with both majors listed.

You may have the option to double major at CSULB if you can complete your requirements within your expected graduation term. Check with your advisor for details.


Certificate programs differ from baccalaureate majors and minors in their emphasis on practical and applied uses of knowledge in a specific area.

Contact the department offering the certificate for more information.